When youā€™re feeling scattered, fearful, and overwhelmedā€¦

grounding May 26, 2019


When you’re feeling scattered, fearful, and overwhelmed… take a deep breath and imagine sinking into your body. Our natural tendency is to get in our head and out of our body, go numb, and not feel. But in order to feel grounded, less scattered and receive our inner guidance, we first need to be sure we are fully in our body.

The reason we go numb or leave our body is from emotional or physical pain we never wanted to feel and never learned how to feel. We don’t want to feel pain, so we make a habit of leaving our body every time we hurt.  If we are especially sensitive, it’s even more tempting to stop feeling.  The problem is, when we can't feel, we can't navigate, and then we can't feel things coming in time to change our trajectory.

When we’re not listening to the valuable signals our body gives us through sensations and emotions, and we only want to think positive thoughts, it’s like taping over our car's gauges, so we never notice that we're out of gas or that the engine is overheating.

Freedom comes from feeling and embracing all our experiences and inhabiting the body fully.

When we feel the unpleasant feelings, appreciate them, then they can move. Each feeling and thought is valuable information that helps us navigate life, even if we don't like it.  Getting in our body is an experience, not a concept we can achieve with our minds.  If we try to figure everything out in our head and navigate only by our intellect, our body will begin to yell louder until we pay attention.

This is about being present. Living our life inside, then going out to the world. When we leave, our bodies, we’re abandoning our self.  It is time now to sink in, value who we are, get into worthiness, let good in, let love in, and listen.  When we allow our feelings to be heard and felt, suffering stops.


Pain with resistance creates the suffering


Here are some ways we stay numb –

  • Blaming others and situations and getting stuck in our victim story - rather than feeling without the story
  • Living in our thoughts and trying to figure it out in our head
  • Wanting others or the world to change so we don’t feel bad
  • Instead of feeling, we numb with food, drink, talk or use substances
  • Too many old negative feelings have built up and feels overwhelming


To release anxiety, stuck energy, or other people’s energy -

  • Begin by breathing deeply - fill your stomach with air and expand like a balloon as you inhale and into your lungs, then slowly exhale.
  • Imagine a cord of beautiful energy coming in through the top of your head, through your body, and through your feet to the center of the Earth to the molten lava.
  • Now bring the lava earth energy back up through the grounding cord and into your feet and up your legs and take another deep breath. This grounds you in your body to feel more stable and less scattered.
  • Imagine you have a tail that goes back to the center of the earth and move any stuck energy, anxiety, or other people’s energy, back down this tail to the earth to be cleansed.
  • Like a pump bring earth energy back up your legs and down your tail, cleaning any anxious or avoidant energy out of your system. Keep it pumping through your legs and not your stomach. Keep circulating the energy until you feel better. 
  • Breathe and enjoy feeling more present in your body.


 Ground in the present moment in the full power of now





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